The Telecommunucations, Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) has recently recruited four new Community Consumer Champions (CCCs) to help assist the TRBR in raising awareness in the local communities where these new recruits will be based. Their primary role is to help raise awareness, educate consumers and empower local communities on specific matters related to Telecommunications, Radiocommunications and Broadcasting services that are monitored and regulated by the TRBR. The four new recruits are George Imbert whom will be covering Big Bay area, David Joy who will be covering West Coast Santo, Frank Kenneth who will be covering South Malekula and Stephanie Kaltoi who will be covering North Efate and Shepherds islands.

The Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) Community Consumer Champion is an initiative which TRBR initiated, aimed at establishing and having Champions assist TRBR in, firstly, raising their own awareness, and then to assist TRBR in its role of raising awareness, education and empowerment of the community, on telecommunications ICT services, under guidance from TRBR. To assist them with their role, the Community Consumer Champions Handbook was prepared for them.