Voicing your complaint
It is appropriate that telecommunications services and products accessed in Vanuatu by its citizens are reliable, of good quality and affordable.Information about these services and product must be clear, concise and not misleading. If you feel you have been misled, not understood or not provided with sufficient information about a service or product and you wish to make a complaint, you have the right to do so. Ensure you adhere to the following:
1. First take your problem to your service provider—Digicel, TVL, Telsat etc. They are keen to provide you with the best services and are keen to assist solve your problem. It is their responsability to do so.If you are not satisfied with how your problem or complaint was handled, or feel they have treated you unfairly, you can approach Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) by:
• Completing an online complaints form and submitting the form online
• Visiting the TRBR office and completing a complaints form and/or talking to the Consumer Officer.
The following guideline will guide you when making your complaint and that your complaint is handled with fairness, consistency and efficiency.