On September 22nd, 2023, Vodafone and Digicel once again reaffirmed their commitment to the Government's Universal Access Policy (UAP). The Policy's target is to provide Broadband and Narrowband coverage to 98% of Vanuatu’s population by the conclusion of the Policy. This latest signing marks the fourth UAP Undertaking Agreement between the two Telecommunications Operators; TVL trading as Vodafone and Digicel (Vanuatu) Limited with TRBR and witnessed by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). These UAP initiatives aims to broadening access to connectivity from Torres to Aneityum.
Despite a lot of challenges, including geographical, logistical, financial, and those posed by natural disasters, infrastructure deployment continues in line with these commitments. Sustaining these networks and ensuring Quality of Service (QoS) in remote and uneconomically viable areas remains a challenge, and this will be a primary focus from 2024 onwards.