Telecommunications market indicators depict the behavior of the ICT industry. This data assists the Government, Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR), stakeholders, donors, licensees and consumers in trend comparisons and awareness. They also greatly assist TRBR with its regulatory work and in ensuring fair competition and equitable distribution of market share.
TRBR analyzes the telecom sector and its behaviour to enable us to effectively monitor this market. In 2013, TRBR initiated two priority projects which were (i) development of telecommunications market indicators, and (ii) the creation of a market and statistics database. To ensure that information gathered from the licensees was relevant, TRBR and licensees conducted a collaborative review of Annex 2 of Order 2 of 2012; in particular, the amount of statistical data required for collection of market statistics. Outcomes were positive for each party, resulting in the provision, to TRBR, of required - but not unnecessary or just useful - data to enable forward directions of the ICT market overall, and the growing tendency towards internet and mobile communication products and services, to be obtained.
For purposes of reporting statistical data, TRBR’s analytical focus is on:
• The trend in the number of subscribers for mobile retail services market.
• The trend in the number of subscribers for fixed retail services market.
• The trend in the number of subscribers for internet retail services market.
• Trends in the issue of Telecoms Licenses and the relevant Collection of Fees.
• Employment patterns relative to the ICT the sector and its GDP contributions.
• Infrastructure developments and installations.