Spectrum Management Principles
The Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) has, in accordance with the Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulation Act of 2009 (“the Act”) and the Radio Apparatus Licence and Spectrum Licence (Fees) Regulation Order No.153 of 2012 (“the Regulation”), developed and released its Spectrum Management Principles.
These high level principles will serve as the methodology that TRBR will follow in carrying out its spectrum management functions in pursuit of the legislative requirements.
These Principles, together with other regulatory instruments, are intended to assist licencees, stakeholders and TRBR in performing its powers and responsibilities under the Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulation Act 2009 in regards to spectrum management in Vanuatu. It is also intended to support and assist industry at large in respect to TRBR’s spectrum allocation, assignment and management.
The radiofrequency spectrum is a vital resource for the development of Vanuatu and the welfare of its people. Spectrum is a finite but non-exhaustible resource which is a vital enabler and input into an ever widening range of new and innovative services. This vital spectrum resource needs to be managed carefully, appropriately, efficiently and effectively, in the public interest, if its potential is to be realized and utilized.
In carrying out its spectrum management role, TRBR will have regard to the requirements of the Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulation Act, the Radio Apparatus Licence and Spectrum Licence (Fees) Regulation, and other relevant legislation.
TRBR’s detailed approach to spectrum management is set out in the document Spectrum Planning, Allocation and Assignment Practices of December 2011. That document spells out TRBR’s practices with regard to key spectrum management practices; including planning and allocation, spectrum engineering, frequency assignment, licensing, fees, monitoring and enforcement, and international cooperation. Further guidance is available from the Government’s National ICT Policy which states in relation to spectrum that “the Government will promote, and where appropriate, ensure that publicly or centrally controlled resources (such as radio spectrum) necessary to support the provision of infrastructure and services are readily available and accessible in a transparent, fair, non-discriminatory manner and are utilized in an efficient manner for the benefit of Vanuatu users, citizens and residents.