ICT Programs under UAP
The Office of the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) is the implementing agency of the Government’s Universal Access Policy (UAP), under the UAP the TRBR has piloted projects in education, these being the establishment of a Computer Laboratory and Internet Community Centre (CLICC) and the provision of Tablets for Schools (TFS). As part of this project and through the TRBR, the internet service providers supplied internet services to the 19 schools. These schools are due to be handed over to the respective Government Ministry on the 1st of January, 2018 and the provision of internet services needs to be refreshed prior to the handover, hence, the subject of this RFP.
In addition to the 19 Sites, TRBR has extended the project to a further two (2) Schools who have met all conditions and criteria to be provisioned with Internet Services.
The Office of the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) (the implementing agency for the Government’s Telecommunications/ICT Universal Access Funds Policy), wish to inform the public that applications are now open for a second round of grants for the School-based Computer Laboratory and Internet Community Centre (CLICC) Program.
The primary objective of the CLICC Centre is to increase the knowledge and use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) within the school environment via integrating ICT into the curriculum and utilizing educational materials for learning. The CLICC Centres are also accessible to the general communities in order for the local population to improve their knowledge of ICT and at the same time increase the development of the local economy. The CLICC Centres is anticipated to provide a central hub for the delivery of eGovernment Services, such as Health, Agriculture and other services.
A limited number of grants are available, however all schools throughout Vanuatu, including Primary, Secondary and Vocational Schools are encouraged to apply. Preference may be given to those schools that are outside larger population centers or are in unserved or underserved areas. Schools that have previously applied are encouraged to reapply and update existing submissions.
Application forms are made available at TRBR Office and are accessible from TRBR website: www.trbr.vu. The application forms contain information on the selection criteria with an emphasis on community involvement and long term sustainability of the CLICC Centre.
The deadline for submissions is 4 pm, Friday the 2nd of December 2016.
• Background Information for a School-based Computer Lab and Internet Community Center (CLICC)
• Bakgraon Infomesen blong wan skul-beis Komputa Lab mo Intanet Komuniti Senta (CLICC)
The UAP Computer Lab and Internet Community Center (CLICC) and Tablets for Students (TFS) Training Workshop closed on Friday 28th August 2015 after a successful week of training and information dissemination, 63 participants, teachers and some zone curriculum advisers from 19 schools, had traveled to Port Vila for the training in the operation and administration of their facilities. The training also aimed to inspire the participants and challenge them to integrate their new digital resources into the teaching and learning environment.
The most exciting things that the participants have experienced during the training are an introduction to School and Community Portals, Local Contents and Community of Practice training.
Aptus or the ‘Classroom without Walls’ is a small mobile wireless device developed by the Commonwealth of Learning. It is of very low power and can be charged from any standard USB charger. Importantly, it does not require any connectivity and operates on an integrated wireless router that enables teachers and students access to rich educational digital materials.
On Tuesday the 7th of April 2015, the Minister of Education, Honorable Bob Loughman, , handed over twenty( 20 ) of these devices to the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) as part of the Government’s Universal Access Policy (UAP) Programs currently being implemented by TRBR. This handing over ceremony was witnessed and attended by Mr. George J Maeltoka, the PEO – Higher Education, and Vanuatu’s Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Focal point contact person, and the Executive Officer to Ministry of Education’s Director General’s Office, Mr. Yoan Mariasua.
TRBR is seeking submissions from qualified individuals or companies to contract with TRBR for the provision of several tenders. This is the second scheduled group of tenders for assorted goods and services related to the UAP programme. These programmes are funded by the Australian Government through donor funding to the UAP Fund of which TRBR is the trustee.
Download – 2nd Tender Notice here:
Request for Proposals – Tender Notice no.2
Download Tender documents here:
Tender 7 – TFS Tablets Configuration
Tender 8 – CLICC Internet Services
Tender 9 – CLICC Power Generation
Tender 10 – CLICC Computer Lab Equipment
Tender 11 – CLICC Computer Lab Installation
Tender 12 – TFS/CLICC Training Workshop
- Request for Proposal – UAP Computer, Electrical goods and services
- A new Dawn in Education - ICT enabler
- TRBR receives more than 300 Grant Application submissions
- Extension to the UAP/ICT Programs application deadline
- TRBR launches 3 New ICT Programs
- Universal Access Program Initiative: Undertaking Agreement Signing
- Universal Access Policy Funded Project