The Second UAP Stakeholder’s Update Report of 17 December 2014 provides an update to stakeholders on the progress with implementation of the Government’s UAP since Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator's (TRBR) First UAP Stakeholder’s Update Report (the First Report) on 31st July 2014.
Through this Update Report, TRBR outlines the progress made and assistance provided by its stakeholders; particularly licensees, in implementing the Government’s UAP.
TRBR is pleased to inform stakeholders that there has been significant progress made in respect of UAP implementation since the First Report. Major progress includes our decision on the UAP Broadband Internet Speeds through a determination by TRBR, finalizing rollout plans with industry ‘Players’, and the Grant Review Committee’s (GRC’s) selection of the first 22 UAP Grant Awardees.
On the 12th of November, TRBR released a Determination paper, following various consultations with industry and the service providers, Government and the Public at large, in determining the provision of UAP Internet Broadband minimum speeds of 2Mbps upload rate and 1Mbps download; which must be achievable 98 percent of the time.
In encouraging the participation and involvement of all licensed telecommunication service providers in the implementation of all UAP activities and priorities before 1 January 2018, TRR has reached agreement with TELSAT for it to become the third participating service provider, ‘Player’, additional to Digicel and TVL, in implementing the UAP deliverables.
TRBR is encouraged by the commitment of the ‘Players’ in engaging effectively with TRBR in negotiating the best locations for their rollout plans to achieve the maximum possible effective coverage of the current identified unserved sites around the country. TRBR will finalize the negotiations through legal arrangements with the ‘Players’ in early 2015, but we are now closing in on the 98% of population target.
The first recipients of UAP Fund under the 3 UAP programs were announced by TRBR in early October. The announcement was made following a 3-phase rigorous process of screening of over 300 applications. Preliminary site visits to the selected schools have been conducted and completed through the month of November, and they were followed by issuing of procurement notices for goods and services towards these programs.
The three UAP programs provide a framework that demonstrates Vanuatu’s position in leading the Pacific in telecommunication service and internet provision, and policy direction. They also fully support and integrate with the UAP and the commitment of ‘Players’ in facilitating and driving service take-up in conjunction with their rollouts.
TRBR has committed to work collaboratively with the industry and other relevant stakeholders in the implementation of all three UAP programs, and will honor that commitment.
TRBR will continue to develop regular Update Reports at similar timeframes as the Report it provides to the Minister, to keep the stakeholders fully aware of key UAP developments and progress. The next Update Report will follow the next scheduled report of the 6th of June 2015 to the Minister.