One of TRBR’s duties is to estimate the amount for service providers to pay into the UAP Fund. Any estimate made by TRBR is made for the forthcoming year from 1 July to 30 June based on the previous year’s returns of service providers. Since 2010 to June 2014, TRBR has set the levy as zero although each year it has developed estimates. A reason and TRBR approach for setting the levy at zero is to encourage competition within the market.
The UAP that was passed by the Council of Minister adopted two approaches: (i) pay approaches and (ii) play approaches. If service providers do not want to play or roll out into areas identified as UAP unserved or underserved areas, then they have to pay a levy, that will be determined by TRBR and which will be into the UAP Fund to utilize for the provision of services to unserved and/or underserved areas..
2014/15 UAP Levy Assessment
TRBR wishes to inform all stakeholders, telecommunication service providers and/or telecommunication licencees in accordance with the Telecommunications Regulation Act 2009 and the UAP Policy provisions, that it has undertaken a levy assessment for the period 2014-2015.
A wide consultation with industry, stakeholders and the Government was undertaken by TRBR to determine the required levy for 2014 – 2015, together with consideration of submitted plans from service providers that intend to “play” in accordance with the UAP Policy.
Assessment Findings
The Regulator has identified from the assessment that there are three “players” for the referenced period: Digicel, TVL and Telsat. These findings may change based on annual assessment in future years or as determined annually by TRBR.
Assessment Implications
Other licencees deemed by TRBR to be “payers” for the 1st July 2014 to 30th June 2015 period, have been levied 4% of their net revenue. The levied amount is to be paid into the UAP Fund to assist in implementation of the UAP Policy.