Building on the past TRBR’s three-year Strategic Plan (2019 – 2021), the Office of the Telecommunications, Radiocommunications, and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) has developed a five-year Strategic Plan (2022 – 2026) to transparently outline and inform the Stakeholders of its Strategic Direction and Regulatory approaches going forward.
This is the third and first five-year Strategic Plan since its establishment.
Since its establishment, TRR now the TRBR continued to maintain its operations as a separate and independent regulatory body to regulate the telecommunications, radiocommunications and now the broadcasting sector for Vanuatu.
TRR’s main responsibilities, as provided for under the Act, are to (i) facilitate the development of the telecommunications sector, and (ii) manage radio-frequency spectrum, in order to promote national, social and economic development. Our duties and function is to ensure compliance with, implement, facilitate and enforce the provisions of the amended Act.
The transfer of broadcasting regulatory functions to TRR’s sphere of operations will now mean, the scope of our functions have widened and expanded. There are more and more emerging technologies such as Over The Top (OTT), Internet of Things (IoT) and Artifi cial Intelligence (AI), deployed globally and in Vanuatu as well. Technological developments can be interpreted as the mirror of human progress and failure in lives.
Therefore, building on and learning from TRBR’s previous three year strategic plan (2015 – 2017), TRBR develops this plan as a strategic direction to inform our stakeholders on our regulatory
This Strategic Plan (Plan) provides a transparent awareness of our intentions, a check and balance mechanism on TRBR’s operations, and a means by which we can be evaluated for our eff ectiveness and commitment.
Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) has developed a three year Strategic Plan to clearly and transparently outline and inform our stakeholders of TRBR’s strategic direction. This is TRBR’s first Strategic Plan since its establishment in 2008.
About Us
- Role
- Vision, Mission & Values
- Strategic Plan
- 2023 Audited Financial Reports
- 2022 Audited Financial Reports
- 2021 Audited Financial Reports
- 2020 Audited Financial Reports
- 2019 Audited Financial Reports
- 2018 Audited Financial Reports
- 2017 Audited Financial Reports
- 2016 Audited Financial Reports
- 2015 Audited Financial Reports
- 2014 Audited Financial Reports
- 2013 Audited Financial Reports
- 2012 Audited Financial Reports
- 2011 Audited Financial Reports
- 2010 audited Financial reports
- 2009 Audited Financial Reports
- 2008 Audited Financial Reports
- Legislative Framework
- Organisation Structure
- 2025 and onwards Work Plan
- 2024 and onwards Work Plan
- 2023 and onwards Work Plan
- 2022 and onwards Work Plan
- 2021 and onwards Work Plan
- 2020 and onwards Work Plan
- 2019 and onwards Work Plan
- 2018 and onwards Work Plan
- 2017 and onwards work plan
- 2016 and onwards work plan
- 2015 and Onwards Work Plan
- 2014 and Onwards Work Plan
- 2013 and Onwards Work Plan
- History
- World Bank Grant
- Our Stakeholders
- Terms and Conditions