Spectrum Licence
Any person can apply for a Spectrum licence. Spectrum licence is issued with the provision of frequency band requested and the frequency intended use.
The objectives of spectrum licensing are to:
• fulfill legal responsibilities in managing the radio spectrum
• assist in minimizing the occurrence of harmful interference
• clearly document and record the administrative and technical conditions associated will all radio spectrum usage in Vanuatu
• enable access to the radio spectrum to as many users as possible
• enable market forces to resolve conflicting requirements for access to radio spectrum and ensure that the maximum economic benefit is derived from the use of the radio spectrum
• ensure that access to the radio spectrum is provided in a timely and appropriate manner
On 4 November 2010, Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) has released revised versions of the application forms for spectrum licence.
The new forms adopt a new format which is easy to fill out and have brief explanations for the type of service each form is intended to be used for. In some cases where appropriate, important additions have been made for applicants to supply specific additional transmitter site data, such as geographical coordinates, antenna heights, transmission bandwidths, etc. This additional data is important and greatly assists the Regulatory office in its endeavour to build a proper national spectrum database.