Aptus or the ‘Classroom without Walls’ is a small mobile wireless device developed by the Commonwealth of Learning. It is of very low power and can be charged from any standard USB charger. Importantly, it does not require any connectivity and operates on an integrated wireless router that enables teachers and students access to rich educational digital materials.
On Tuesday the 7th of April 2015, the Minister of Education, Honorable Bob Loughman, , handed over twenty( 20 ) of these devices to the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) as part of the Government’s Universal Access Policy (UAP) Programs currently being implemented by TRBR. This handing over ceremony was witnessed and attended by Mr. George J Maeltoka, the PEO – Higher Education, and Vanuatu’s Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Focal point contact person, and the Executive Officer to Ministry of Education’s Director General’s Office, Mr. Yoan Mariasua.