This Eight Universal Access Policy (UAP) Update Report provides an update to our stakeholders and the citizens of Vanuatu on the status of implementation of the Government’s UAP up to May, 2018. It builds on TRBR’s Seventh UAP Update Report of June 2017 and is the penultimate report for the UAP project. This Report highlights the continued progress that has been made in respect of UAP implementation and, particularly, to successfully building on to the secured industry commitment and cooperation in meeting the UAP requirements and the key Government objectives, to bring benefit to the people of Vanuatu; in accord with the intention of the UAP, as well as the economy of Vanuatu.
The Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) continues to appreciate, recognise and acknowledge the commitment of the Players and industry at large for their achievements to date, and as presented in this Report. TRBR also recognises the valuable assistance, cooperation and support from the Australian Government through its Governance for Growth (GfG) Program which has significantly contributed, through financial support, to its success via the deployment of telecommunications and internet access into remote and underserved areas of Vanuatu; particularly in respect of the Computer Lab and Internet Community Centres (CLICC) programs.
The significant milestones achieved over the course of the UAP Agreements by the industry and the stimulus arrangements funded from the UAP Fund, have enabled TRBR to make some further important additional and progressive steps towards meeting the UAP objectives.
TRBR has, importantly, taken a considerable proactive and guiding approach and lead role through the process of UAP implementation over the last few years; particularly in the negotiation, finalisation and signing of the UAP Player’s Undertakings outlining commitments to the implementation of the UAP through the upgrading and rollout of new services, and the provisioning and deployment of equipment and materials for the UAP Information Communications Technologies (ICT) school and internet community centre programs.
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