Application for Apparatus Licence
- AM radio Broadcasting Transmitter Station
- FM radio Broadcasting Transmitter Station
- Television Broadcasting Transmitter Station
- Narrowcasting Station (sound)
- Narrowcasting Station (TV)
EXPLANATORY NOTES –please read this information before completing the application form
• Mandatory fields marked with an asterisk * must be completed. Incomplete applications forms may be returned to the applicant for completion.
• You may use this form only for the type of Licences shown in the title of this application form above.
• Complete section A in the contact and billing address to which the licence will be issued.
• The Licence applicant may nominate, as their agent, any person or company to act as temporary advisor.
• A separate application formmust be used for each type of Licence being sought.
• A separate application form must be used for each radio frequency being sought.
• The assignment of a frequency or channel does not imply reservation in perpetuity. Any Licence granted will apply to the person(s) or business named on the application.
• Modifications can only be requested to current, non-fixed term Licences belonging to the applicant.
• Complete this application for all new frequencies and Licences including requests to change current frequency and/or location details applying to existing Licences.
• Payment of Licence fees will be required before Licence is granted.
• If this Licence is granted, full details will be recorded in the Register of Radio Frequencies and will be available for public inspection. This will include the name and address of the Licence holder. Clients of type “person” have the right to request that their residential address be withheld from public access. Requests must be made in writing to the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR), PO Box 3547, Port Vila.
• Information is available on the TRBR's website.
• The completed form must be submitted or forwarded to the Office of the TRBR, PO Box 3547, Port Vila.
Your application is successfully submitted. A confirmation email will be sent to you shortly once we receive your application.