PIC1: Dalsie Baniala (Vanuatu TRBR), Wisit Atipayakoo (ITU) and Nettie Collins (USP) the first Panelists on the topic of “Accessibility and Affordability”
After the first Pacific IGF in 2011, the Government of Vanuatu (through OGCIO and the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR)) in collaboration with the Pacific ICT Regulatory Committee (PIRRC), Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC), Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA), the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), CROP ICT Working Group, , the Australian Government through Department of Communications, USP and other partners and donors supported a multistakeholder open process welcoming inputs from governments, the business sector, civil society, academics and anyone who believed to make a change in the future of Internet in the Pacific.
Representatives from eleven Pacific countries attended the 2017 Pacific Internet Governance Forum to advance a strategic vision for the future Internet Governance in the Pacific region.
A joint opening session was organized with the Pacific ICT Days 2017 and the Acting Prime Minister Hon. Ham Lini Vanuaroroa highlighted the need to ensure that we had an inclusive, secure and safe Internet where children would be protected and the Internet could be used in a productive manner.
Sessions were facilitated by Ian Thompson of USP and the panelists were asked to give short opening statements to allow for more audience participation. Panelist included experts and persons working in the Internet community who freely shared their experience. This year’s forum on Pacific Internet Governance Forum put forward policy recommendations for the future of the internet governance, by providing a multistakeholder process for coordination among key practitioners and for addressing the interests of the end users who are concerned about the future of internet governance. The theme “Working for an inclusive, Secure and Safe Internet” educated the wider public on the most effective ways to promote Internet access, while simultaneously presenting a few case studies and best practices in the Pacific.
PIC 2: Some of the attendees of the two day Pacific IGF 2017 in the Vanuatu National Convention Center
PIC3: Dr Tobias Feakin, Australia's inaugural Ambassador for Cyber Affairs delivering a speech during Pacific IGF
Videos of the Pacific IGF can be found on this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtQNiMRxxfVIvO-nA_iv2SQ