As the regulatory agency responsible for the telecommunications sector, it is critical for TRBR to regularly collect accurate market data from service providers to enable TRBR to monitor the market effectively and efficiently

TRBR’s Order No. 1 of 2015 (Order 1) provides details of the specific information required to be provided to TRR by telecommunications service providers, and the process and deadlines for providing this information, on a bi-annual basis, and relies on the powers provided to TRBR under Section 8 of the Act.

In 2018 TRBR, after a wide consultation with all service providers, TRBR updated its framework and issued an order   (No 1 of 2018) to all service providers to supply market data as requested. This was official gazetted noticed No 160 of 2018.

The main objectives of amending the Framework are:

  1. To ensure that the market statistics collected by TRBR are accurate and relevant, for the purpose of reporting by TRBR to the Minister for Telecommunications, the public, the private sector and the industry;
  2. To ensure that TRBR continues to have access to timely, relevant and accurate information to enable it to appropriately perform its role to effectively and efficiently monitor the activities of the telecommunications sector in Vanuatu and ensure and protect sustainable and effective competition;
  • To assist and enable TRBR and Government of Vanuatu policies to be evidenced-based and informed by current and appropriate measurable facts and trends within the telecommunications market of Vanuatu; and
  1. To continue to maintain Vanuatu’s active participation and contribution in international telecommunications and regulatory matters by providing accurate and timely information to our international ICT partners and affiliated member associations.